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Νame in other language: Χατζηπαπάς, Αυγής [greek] Department: Basic and Clinical Sciences
Νame in other language: Οικονομίδου Σταύρου, Νατάσα [greek] Department: Department of Music and Dance
Νame in other language: Κυριακού, Παναγιώτου, Φωτεινή [greek]
Νame in other language: Μίζης, Κοσμάς [greek]
Νame in other language: Βρεττός, Ιωάννης [greek]
Νame in other language: Πολυκάρπου, Αναστάσης [greek] Department: Department of Engineering
Νame in other language: Χατζημιχαήλ, Μιχαήλ [greek] Department: Department of Communications
Νame in other language: Στυλιανού, Βάσω [greek] Department: Department of Computer Science
Νame in other language: Χρίστου, Σαββίνα [greek] Department: Department of Languages and Literature
Νame in other language: Ροδοσθένους-Μπαλάφα Μαρίνα [greek] Department: Department of Education
Νame in other language: Γρηγοράκης Νικόλαος [greek]

Sofou, Eleni

Νame in other language: Σοφού, Ελένη [greek]
Νame in other language: Μαυρομουστάκης, Κωνσταντίνος [greek] Department: Department of Computer Science
Νame in other language: Ράπτη, Ανδριάνα [greek] Department: Department of Management and MIS
Νame in other language: Χατζησωτηρίου, Μαρία [greek] Department: Department of Architecture

Loizou, Louis

Νame in other language: Λοΐζου, Λούης [greek] Department: Basic and Clinical Sciences
Νame in other language: Μαρουδιάς, Νίκος [greek] Department: Basic and Clinical Sciences
Νame in other language: Μπλάτσα, Μαριάννα [greek]
Νame in other language: Χαραλάμπους, Ανδρέας [greek] Department: Basic and Clinical Sciences
Νame in other language: Αποστόλου, Μενέλαος [greek] Department: Department of Social Sciences
Νame in other language: Μακριδάκης, Σπυρίδων [greek] Department: Department of Digital Innovation
Νame in other language: Παναγωπούλου, Ευθαλία [greek]