- Jessy Kfoury
- School of Business
- Department of Management
- 17 October 2024
- English
- 286
- Sapuric, Svetlana | Melanthiou, Yioula | Papasolomou, Ioanna
- Social media | Online Reviews | Instagram | Consumer behavior | Consumer booking intentions | Visual eWOM | Generation Y | Generation Z | HORECA
- Online Reviews -- Consumer behavior
Background and Objectives: Among the wide popularity of social networking platforms where information is often consumed quickly, electronic word of mouth (eWOM) proved to be influential. Visual eWOM has gained the attention of researchers in the HORECA sector as visual content tends to capture attention more effectively than plain text enabling HORECA establishments to stand out and make a stronger impression. An enormous number of authors have explored the concept of eWOM and its implication on consumer booking intentions. However, the current study aims to investigate the role of information quality, credibility, website quality, motivation, innovativeness, destination fascination, popularity heuristics, destination image and user-generated content conveyed through visual eWOM shared in the Instagram application on consumer booking intention in the HORECA sector.
Methodology: Using positivism as a research philosophy thus a deductive approach, the quantitative research method was adopted where primary data was gathered using an online survey which was pilot tested and then modified to achieve a high internal consistency. Pollfish.com, the survey tool, was used to gather responses from the sample of n=300 international tourists from around the world. Respondents from two different demographic profiles, including Generation Y and Generation Z, were targeted in the survey to provide a distinct perspective on visual eWOM and its implications on those two generations’ booking intentions when traveling for leisure. Primary data gathered through
the survey was analyzed using Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) where descriptive and inferential statistics were used to propose research findings by conducting various statistical tests which include frequency distribution, independent T test, Whitney U test, Bivariate correlation, simple regression and Hayes process macros.
Findings: The study suggests that all variables which included information quality, credibility, website quality, motivation, innovativeness, destination fascination, popularity heuristics, destination image and user-generated content have a significant impact on visual eWOM using Instagram. Furthermore, findings from Hayes process macros reveal visual eWOM both directly and indirectly mediates the relationship between all the variables and consumer booking intentions. Lastly, findings reveal that there are significant differences in terms of perception of Generation Y and Generation Z when it comes to information credibility and destination fascination.
Implications: The findings of the study propose significant theoretical and practical implications. Theoretically, the study validates the role of the dynamics of visual eWOM using Instagram supporting the key assumptions made by the theory of planned behavior, uses and gratification theory, elaboration likelihood model, information adoption model, and technology acceptance model. Lastly, practical implications are proposed for marketing professionals and policymakers to increase the potential of HORECA establishments using social media platforms like Instagram.