Child Labour and Human Right Violations: A Case Study of the Situation in Nigeria

  1. Kaniye - Ebeku, Charity
  2. School of Law
  3. Department of Law
  4. 2021
  5. English
  6. 357 pages
  7. Papastylianos, Christos | Emilianides, Achilles | Okogbule, Nlerum
  8. Child Labour | Child Rights | Human Rights | Child Trafficking | Exploitation | Abuse | Poverty | Child Protection
  9. Social Sciences -- Law
    • This study seeks to assess the level at which child labour constitutes a violation of the rights of the child. Child labour is a global trend and concerns the employment of children for jobs, particularly when it is illegal or perceived to be exploitative. For this study , statistical data were gathered and analyzed to assess the extent and determinants of child labour. In addition, six states have been randomly selected from the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Such states are Benue State, AbiaStae, Rivers State, Lagos State, Kaduna State, BauchiState. A total of 460 participants were selected for this study, including 100 child labourers and 100 parents selected through accidental sampling techniques. Importantly, 100 police officers, 100 social welfare officers and 60 staff of the Ministry of Women's Affairs. It also discussed national and international laws and policies on the protection of children's rights in the society. In line with the main objective of this study, the rights of children under Nigerian law have been considered. Another critical topic which has been discussed is the adequacy of the legislation to protect children from child labour. In particular, future obstacles to the enforcement of the laws protecting children from abuse have also been investigated. The Ministry of Women Affairs was selected equally by means of a purposive sampling for observation , interview and questionnaire. Based on the findings, this thesis argues that the primary reason why children are forced to work is poverty and therefore suggests that sustainable livelihood strategies should be in place to reduce poverty in the catchment area, particularly in the rural areas of Nigeria. Finally , this thesis makes recommendations that would ensure that children are protected from abuse , exploitation and infringement of their rights.

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