- Abdalmajid, Jilan
- School of Business
- Department of Management
- 2019
- English
- 437 pages
- Papasolomou, Ioanna | Melanthiou, Yioula | Vrontis, Demetris
- Nation | Branding | Stakeholders | Palestine | Culture | Communication
- Business Administration
This doctoral dissertation explores the factors that are essential for developing a nation brand in order to develop an integrated and holistic framework that will add to the theory of nation branding. Particularly, this current study explores and builds on the stakeholders’ views and attitudes in Palestine to develop a nation brand for Palestine, taking into consideration specific criteria regarding the informants who should participate in this process.
The discussion is founded on an extensive review of relevant literature on nation branding and nation brand, drawing information from previously developed models. The purpose of the detailed literature review is to (a) study the existing nation-branding models, (b) identify the key factors that contribute to the development of a nation brand, and (c) uncover any gaps in the existing literature. The first phase results in the development of a conceptual framework for building the nation brand. The research builds on the secondary data in the preliminary stages of the study.
The philosophical position of the researcher leads the researcher to adopt the constructivist, interpretivist paradigm. Accordingly, the methodology adopted was a triangulation of deductive and inductive approaches.
The second phase of the research focuses on collecting primary data in order to verify the preliminary framework and refine it to bring it in to line with what the empirical evidence reveals. The qualitative research method adopted is semi-structured in-depth interviews.
The research findings of the study present a significant contribution to the theory of nation branding and nation brand by developing an integrated and holistic framework that brings together all the essential factors and variables that are perceived to be instrumental in the creation of a strong nation brand and takes into consideration the stakeholders’ views. The research’s contribution to practice is also significant owing to the findings that could facilitate the Palestinian government’s mission to develop a nation brand. The findings of the current study revealed a wide range of sectors and natural channels (brand communicators) that could play an essential role in developing a nation brand. A wide range of strong recommendations concluded that strategic visionary leadership is key to developing a nation brand. Coordination and communication among and between the stakeholders and the leadership are key motivators in the nation-branding process. Feedback was revealed as a new essential element. The empirically tested conceptual framework reflects many other aspects that are detailed in the final chapter.
Nation Branding: An Integrated Framework for Developing a Nation Brand for Palestine from Stakeholders’ Perspectives
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