Identity and Its Relation with Psychological Health in Cyprus

  1. Türkkal, Şerif
  2. School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  3. Department of Social Sciences
  4. Αύγουστος 2020
  5. English
  6. 127 pages
  7. Adonis, Marios | Hadjimarkou, Maria | Constantinou, Marios
  8. Psychological well-being | State Anxiety | Trait Anxiety | Identity | Identity Style | Social Identity | Cyprus
  9. Psychology -- Social science
    • This research aims to understand the identity and its relation with psychological health in Cyprus, in both Turkish-Cypriot and Greek-Cypriot populations. Parallel mixed design was used, in which both quantitative and qualitative data were utilized. In the qualitative data, a semi-structured interview was carried out with 13 Turkish-Cypriots and 13 Greek-Cypriots. Thematic Analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The quantitative study included 366 participants, 175 Greek-Cypriots and 191 Turkish-Cypriots. The results show that dual identity categories had the highest percentage in both Turkish and Greek-Cypriot populations. No significant differences were found between identity categories based on the mean scores of psychological well-being, state anxiety and trait anxiety. On both state and trait anxiety scales, Turkish-Cypriot participants scored significantly higher than Greek-Cypriot participants. In addition, in the whole sample, there was a negative correlation between normative identity style and state anxiety and a positive correlation between diffused identity styles and trait anxiety. Moreover, in the interviews both Turkish-Cypriot and Greek-Cypriot participants reported to be experiencing identity-related stress.

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