Sustainable Interior Design: A Model to Promote Sustainable Practices

  1. Ioannou, Kika
  2. Department of Architecture
  3. June 2019
  4. English
  5. 370 pages
  6. Lapithis, Petros | Vergopoullos, Stavros | Papanastasiou, Elena
  7. Sustainability | Interior design | Change | Learning | Practices
  8. Original: Unic - Rules: RDA
    • Design professionals in the built environment have an increasingly important responsibility for the delivery of sustainability. Whilst much guidance and regulations are being introduced across Europe and elsewhere globally in order to encourage uptake, this does not hold true for the field of interior design and its professionals. Against this backdrop, this research aims to investigate the extent to which a range of interventions derived from a proposed model can raise participants’ awareness and understanding of the role played by interior design in delivering sustainability within the built environment. In addition, it aims to promote the uptake of sustainability practices in the discipline and more specifically, across two groups of stakeholders; interior designers, as well as their clients on the island of Cyprus. To that end, an action research was prepared and educational and theoretical foundations were applied through three phases of actions. Each phase was found to be effective in influencing participants’ behaviour. Importantly, research observations supported the findings derived from questionnaires and interviews conducted after each phase. Phase I demonstrates that the traditional delivery of learning using IT and experiential learning led participants to respond to the sustainability practices presented and unfreeze their attitudes. Phase II confirms that participants’ valued new information and change their behaviours. Similarly, Phase III demonstrates that the main learning method of collaborative learning was particularly beneficial and led stakeholders to refreeze their attitudes and behaviours. During the last phase, a number of case studies are presented in order to underline the embrace of sustainable interior design practices by participants. This research has been effective in successfully promoting sustainability principles within the field of interior design and explores opportunities to promote them among the stakeholders. The contribution of this study lies within the context of interior design, in fostering the interest of both professionals and clients whilst enhancing the comprehension and employment of sustainable practices.

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